
Feb 22, 2018 / Veronika Bílková

The Decline of the Big Five

Analysis of the signs indicating, that the privileged position of the Big Five is no longer accepted without reserves.

USA, Russia, Europe, Great Britain

Feb 22, 2018 / Miroslav Tůma

The American President Donald Trump and “The Worst” Deal

International law reflection of Miroslav Tůma, analyzing the Iran nuclear deal

Nuclear, USA, Middle East

Jul 26, 2017 / Veronika Bílková

Do Two Wrongs Make a Right?

The Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria and the US Strike

Global Security, USA, Middle East, Syria

Mar 21, 2017 / Máté Szalai, Péter Wagner

Expanding the Concept of Terrorism Possible Interpretations after the Orlando Shooting

The analysis aims to present the different frameworks of interpretations regarding the Orlando shooting and to highlight the importance of the differentiation between terrorism and “traditional” crimes. The case sheds light on the tendency of the “inflati


Mar 15, 2017 / Institute of World Policy

Ukraine’s Foreign Policy Audit. Recommendations for Foreign Policy Strategy

The report with the recommendations for Ukraine’s Foreign Policy Strategy

USA, Russia, EU, Ukraine, Europe

Mar 10, 2017 / Tomasz Smura, Head of the Research Office at the Casimir Pulaski Foundation

Russian Anti-Access Area Denial (A2AD) capabilities – implications for NATO

Russia has been increasingly using the A2AD measures. The goal of this concept is to prevent an opponent from entering into theater (Anti-Access) by means of long-range weapons, and deprive him of freedom of action in this theater (Area-Denial) by means o

Russia, NATO, USA, Nuclear

Mar 03, 2017 / Maxime Lebrune

"There Is Massive Uncertainty": The 2017 Munich Security Conference (MSC) amid Unprecedented Volatility

These opening remarks at the 53rd Munich Security Conference (MSC) by conference chairman Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger set the tone of the event by spelling out the gravity of the situation. Indeed, it has become hard to predict the evolution of American

Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Ukraine, Democracy, Europe

Jan 31, 2017 / Tomasz Otłowski, Senior Fellow at the Casimir Pulaski Foundation

Policy of the new U.S. administration in the Middle East and the threats posed by Islamic extremism – a forecast

The Trump administration would likely be pro-Israeli and definitely anti-Iranian (perhaps even anti-Shiite). This means a significant reverse of the vectors of American foreign policy towards a number of regional problems.

Israel, Iran, Syria, Middle East, USA, Global Security

Jan 24, 2017 / Slovak Space Policy Association

SSPA Report 01: Vesmírny sektor potvrdzuje svoj rast

Study mapping contemporary trends in global space sector from the perspective of policy and economy.

Space Security, USA, EU, Europe

Jan 16, 2017 / Martin Michelot

Embedding NATO into the European Union Global Strategy: the missing link?

The new issue of the Brussels Monitor series by Martin Michelot deals with EU-NATO cooperation in the context of the European Union Global Strategy.

Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Europe

Jan 16, 2017 / Martin Michelot

Solidarity Under Stress in the Transatlantic Realm

Martin Michelot is co-author of policy paper which is part of entire series developed by the German Marshall Fund of the United States. The series focuses on current challenges of transatlantic cooperation.

USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Ukraine, Europe

Dec 16, 2016 / Tomasz Smura, the Head of Analysis Bureau at the Casimir Pulaski Foundation

Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. elections – possible consequences for American foreign and security policy

Elections in the U.S. may have big implications for its allies, as the new administration may, as announced by Donald Trump during the election campaign, try to reduce the U.S. commitment in the world.

Global Security, USA, NATO, Asia, Europe

Dec 08, 2016 / Miroslav Tůma

Can the Necessary International Legal Framework to Achieve a Nuclear-WeaponFree World Be Reached?

Can the Necessary International Legal Framework to Achieve a Nuclear-WeaponFree World Be Reached? The answer to this question can, to a certain extent, be found in the significant resolution of the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security C

United Nations, Russia, USA, Nuclear, Global Security, Energy Security

Nov 11, 2016 / Lucius Klobučník

What Are the Main Legal Issues Raised by Space Mining?

This paper purports to answer challenging questions of legal issues connected with mining in outer space. It addresses the problem of technical feasibility of a mining venture in outer space and tries to analyze international space law applicable to such

United Nations, Russia, USA, Space Security

Nov 11, 2016 / Tomáš Hrozenský

Space Security and Slovakia

Outer space has become a contested, congested and competitive domain with an ever growing importance to life on Earth. Recently, an increasing number of new players have entered the space arena. Slovakia has also stepped up its space related activities.

Slovakia, United Nations, EU, USA, Space Security

Oct 30, 2016 / Ed. by Andris Sprūds, Diāna Potjomkina

Coping with Complexity in the Euro-Atlantic Community and Beyond: Rīga Conference Papers 2016

This Riga Conference companion volume offers reflections on the complex developments and future of the broader Trans-Atlantic area.

Economic Security, Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Media, Europe, Great Britain, Propaganda/Disinform, Hybrid Warfare

Sep 17, 2016 / Ed. by Andris Sprūds, Diāna Potjomkina

Riga Dialogue Afterthoughts 2016: Building Bridges for Euro-Atlantic Security

This is a follow-up publication to the annual Riga Dialogue conference that endeavours to reflect the recognisable diversity of perceptions and interests among a variety of stakeholders in the Euro-Atlantic area, and offer insights for increasing mutual t

Global Security, Nuclear, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Ukraine, Europe

Jul 18, 2016 / Piotr Woyke

Cautious and rotational – US military engagement on NATO’s eastern flank

The Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014 put a stop to the gradual scaling down of US military engagement in Europe, a policy that the United States had pursued since the end of the Cold War.

NATO, USA, Global Security

May 26, 2016 / Ed. by Andris Spruds, Diana Potjomkina

Latvia and the United States: Revisiting the Strategic Partnership in a Transforming Environment

Thorough reassessment of and recommendations for the Latvia-US strategic partnership

Energy Security, Global Security, Oil and Gas, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Ukraine, Democracy, Media, Education, Europe

Mar 15, 2016 / Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR)

PCTR Newsletter (2/2016)

PCTR Newsletter

USA, NATO, EU, Czech Republic, Syria, Ukraine, Iran, Israel, Europe, Migration

Feb 22, 2016 / Norbert Beckmann-Dierkes, Andris Sprūds, Toms Rostoks, Kristīne Bērziņa, Alyson Bailes, Margrét Cela, Katla Kjartansdóttir, Kristinn Schram, Lassi Heininen, Piotr Kościński, Wojciech Lorenz, Lidia Puka, Stefan Steinicke, Steffen Weber, Mārtiņš Vargulis,


The Arctic is on the rise. Despite the recent events in Ukraine and the Russian annexation of Crimea that have shaken the Euro-Atlantic security architecture, there is no denying that, even if temporarily sidelined, the importance of the High North in glo

Global Security, Water, USA, NATO, Russia, EU

Feb 19, 2016 / Andris Sprūds, Viljar Veebel, Kārlis Bukovskis, Aldis Austers, Imants Lieģis, Raimonds Rublovskis, Mārtiņš Vargulis, Diāna Potjomkina, Anna Beitāne, Mārtiņš Daugulis


The Latvian Institute of International Affairs launches its first annual Foreign Policy Yearbook to address the issue of continuity and change in Latvia’s foreign policy. Although this analytic endeavour brings together authors with a diversity of backgro

Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Europe

Feb 19, 2016 / Māris Andžāns, Andrei A. Kazantsev, Diāna Potjomkina, Heidi Reisinger, Gulshan Sachdeva, Zaur Shiriyev, Andris Sprūds, S. Frederick Starr, Farkhod Tolipov, Guli I. Yuldasheva


The aim of this publication is to analyze, raise awareness of and provide recommendations regarding the impact of the Northern Distribution Network (NDN) on NATO in general and Latvia in particular. The approach chosen by the LIIA is a broad one, taking

Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Europe

Feb 19, 2016 / Māris Andžāns, Andrei A. Kazantsev, Diāna Potjomkina, Heidi Reisinger, Gulshan Sachdeva, Zaur Shiriyev, Andris Sprūds, S. Frederick Starr, Farkhod Tolipov, Guli I. Yuldasheva


The aim of this publication is to analyze, raise awareness of and provide recommendations regarding the impact of the Northern Distribution Network (NDN) on NATO in general and Latvia in particular. The approach chosen by the LIIA is a broad one...

Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Europe

Feb 18, 2016 / Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR)

PCTR Newsletter (1/2016)

PCTR Newsletter

Energy Security, Economic Security, Nuclear, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Middle East, Czech Republic, Syria, Ukraine, Israel, Europe, Migration

Jan 21, 2016 / Gabriela Mikušová

Ukraine Watch: December 2015

CEPI’s monthly digest of news and analysis regarding Ukraine: December 2015

USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Ukraine

Jan 21, 2016 / Wojciech Górecki, Wojciech Konończuk

Russia activates the talks on the Donbass

Since the end of 2015, talks and contacts between Russia, Ukraine, the EU and the USA on the conflict in the Donbass have become more intensive.

Ukraine, Russia, USA

Jan 19, 2016 / Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR)

PCTR Newsletter (12/2015)

PCTR Newsletter

Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Middle East, Czech Republic, Poland, Syria, Ukraine, Democracy, Media, V4, Europe, Afghanistan

Jan 19, 2016 / Ed. by Andris Sprūds, Ilvija Bruģe

Latvian Foreign and Security Policy Yearbook 2016

Comprehensive review of Latvian foreign and security policy in 2015 and recommendations for 2016

Cyber Security, Economic Security, Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Middle East, Syria, Ukraine, Media, Asia, Europe

Dec 18, 2015 / Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR)

PCTR Newsletter (11/2015)

The PCTR offers a possibility to download the latest issue of the PCTR Newsletter. A summary of important news in the field of transatlantic relations is included.

Cyber Security, Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, United Nations, Middle East, Czech Republic, Poland, Syria, Ukraine, V4, Israel, Asia, Europe

Nov 15, 2015 / Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR)

PCTR Newsletter (10/2015)

The PCTR offers a possibility to download the latest issue of the PCTR Newsletter. A summary of important news in the field of transatlantic relations is included.

Cyber Security, Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, Middle East, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Syria, Ukraine, Iran, Israel, Europe, Afghanistan

Sep 18, 2015 / Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR)

PCTR Newsletter (7-8/2015)

The PCTR offers you a possibility to download the latest issue of the PCTR Newsletter

Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Middle East, Czech Republic, Asia, Europe

Aug 07, 2015 / Yury Fedorov

A looming crisis of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force Treaty: Sources and consequences

At the time, when the world is remembering the enormous tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Yury Fedorov in his new policy paper analyses what consequences might the looming crisis of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force Treaty have.

Nuclear, USA, NATO, Russia, EU

Jul 13, 2015 / Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR)

PCTR Newsletter (6/2015)

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations offers a possibility to download the latest issue of the PCTR Newsletter.

Economic Security, Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Europe

Jul 08, 2015 / Joerg Forbrig

Russia and the West: Sketching possible scenarios

This conflict will be shaped by the degrees to which both sides are able to maintain their internal cohesion. It may become a race against time, with both sides banking on the cohesion of the other fading before their own ranks break apart.

Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Democracy, Europe

Jun 30, 2015 / Katarina Svitkova

City as a Battleground: Trends in Urban Warfare

D.SQ Security Brief

Global Security, USA, NATO

May 19, 2015 / Ben Nimmo

Anatomy of an info-war: How Russia’s propaganda machine works, and how to counter it

Russia’s propaganda assault on the West is well-organized and well-funded. However, it is also predictable, and this is its weakness.

USA, NATO, Russia, Democracy, Media, Europe

Apr 16, 2015 / Michal Kořan, Petr Nečas, Jan Österreicher, Bohuslav Pernica, Jiří Šedivý, Pavel Štalmach, Alexandr Vondra

The Czech Republic in Common Security and Defence Policy of the EU: Audit and Perspectives

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) is delighted to present the new Policy Paper entitled

Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Middle East, Czech Republic, V4, Africa, Europe

Apr 10, 2015 / Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR)

PCTR Newsletter (3/2015)

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations offers a possibility to download the latest issue of PCTR Newsletter.

Economic Security, Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Middle East, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Democracy, Israel, Europe

Mar 14, 2015 / Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR)

PCTR Newsletter (2/2015)

The PTCR offers you to download the second PCTR Newsletter issue in 2015, which contains not only information about PCTR events, but especially about the most important news from the field of Euro-Atlantic relations, which happened in February.

Energy Security, Global Security, Oil and Gas, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Middle East, Czech Republic, Poland, Syria, Ukraine, Africa, Europe

Feb 18, 2015 / John K. Glenn, Bruce P. Jackson, Lukas Kovanda, A. Wess Mitchell, Cameron Munter, Tomas Pojar, Leah Scheunemann, Jiri Schneider, Alexandr Vondra

Czech – American relations: A roadmap for the future

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) published with the kind support of a non-profit organization Zaostřeno, o.p.s. and RWE Česká republika a bilingual publication Czech – American relations: A roadmap for the future

Global Security, Nuclear, Oil and Gas, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, United Nations, Middle East, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Democracy, Education, Human Rights, V4, Europe, Afghanistan, Economic Security, Energy Security

Jan 30, 2015 / John K. Glenn, Bruce P. Jackson, Lukáš Kovanda, A. Wess Mitchell, Cameron Munter, Tomáš Pojar, Jiří Schneider, Alexandr Vondra

Czech-American Relations: A Roadmap for the Future

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) organized in 2014, in cooperation with the American Think-tank Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), a project which was supported by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Energy Security, Economic Security, Global Security, Nuclear, Oil and Gas, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Democracy, Human Rights, V4, Europe

Jan 08, 2015 / Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR)

PCTR Newsletter (12/2014)

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations offers a possibility to download the latest issue of PCTR Newsletter.

USA, NATO, Russia, EU, United Nations, Middle East, Czech Republic, Europe, Afghanistan, Energy Security

Nov 20, 2014 / Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR)

PCTR Newsletter (10/2014)

PCTR Newsletter

Economic Security, Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Middle East, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Israel, Asia, Europe, Afghanistan

Sep 30, 2014 / Cameron Munter

Looking Forward: U.S.-Czech Relations

The seventh policy paper of the Connection Prague – Washington: How to strengthen transatlantic tie between the Czech Republic and the United States of America… project.

Economic Security, Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Democracy, Europe

Sep 30, 2014 / A. Wess Mitchell and Leah Scheunemann

Small States and Geopolitical Change: The Case of the Czech Republic

The sixth policy paper of the Connection Prague – Washington: How to strengthen transatlantic tie between the Czech Republic and the United States of America… project.

Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Middle East, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ukraine, Europe

Sep 30, 2014 / John K. Glenn

Beyond the Hangover: U.S.-Czech Relations in the Obama Administration

The PCTR offers you the possibility to download the fifth policy paper of the Connection Prague – Washington: How to strengthen transatlantic tie between the Czech Republic and the United States of America… project.

USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Europe, Global Security

Sep 30, 2014 / Bruce P. Jackson

Small States and Worthless Allies

The PCTR offers you the possibility to download the fourth policy paper of the Connection Prague – Washington: How to strengthen transatlantic tie between the Czech Republic and the United States of America… project.

Energy Security, Global Security, USA, NATO, EU, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Democracy, Europe

Jun 16, 2014 / Centrum transatlantických vztahů (PCTR)

Dan Schueftan: Evropané sami sobě vyprávějí pohádku…

Zkrácený přepis přednášky „Blízký východ - znovuobnovení stability nebo pokračující chaos?“ z 13. února 2014

Global Security, USA, Syria, Democracy, Human Rights, Israel, Europe


Czech-American Relations and Support of Liberal Democratic Forces Around the Globe

The second policy paper of the Connection Prague – Washington: How to strengthen transatlantic tie between the Czech Republic and the United States of America… project

USA, EU, Middle East, Czech Republic, Democracy, Europe


The U.S. - Czech Strategic Relationship: A Roadmap for the Future in Security and Defense

The first policy paper of the Connection Prague – Washington: How to strengthen transatlantic tie between the Czech Republic and the United States of America… project.

Global Security, Nuclear, USA, NATO, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Europe

Jun 16, 2014 / Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR)

PCTR Newsletter (5/2014)

PCTR Newsletter

USA, NATO, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Europe

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