
Jul 09, 2018 / Tomáš Čižik, Ingrid Borárosová

The Future Revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe

The publication “The Future Revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe” represents the collection of views of experts from the different field of expertise – foreign and security policy, migration, political science, history and information warfare. The id

Propaganda/Disinform, V4, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, EU, NATO

Mar 21, 2017 / János T. Barabás

Information Warfare in Hungary

According to the US Department of Defense the traditional way of resolving conflicts, especially by military means becomes less and less viable due to social, economic, and information related developments. Non-state actors now have access to inexpensive

Hungary, Media, V4, Propaganda/Disinform, Russia

Jan 16, 2017 / Christian Kvorning Lassen

Profit or perish? Hungary and the Czech Republic’s response to the refugee crisis

How politicians in the Czech Republic and Hungary react on the migration crisis? A what myths are currently related to migration in those countries? New blog by Christian Kvorning Lassen.

EU, Czech Republic, Hungary, V4, Migration

Jan 16, 2017 / Martin Michelot

More divisions and fewer decisions: just another day in Brussels?

Will the V4 countries find a common ground with the

EU, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Europe, Migration, Balkan

Jan 09, 2017 / Antall József Knowledge Centre

In Focus - 25 years of the Visegrad Cooperation

The first issue of the Antall József Knowledge Centre's new journal In Focus commemorates the 25th anniversary of the Visegrad Cooperation. Articles and interviews are analysing the history of the cooperation and those current social and political process

EU, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, V4, Europe, Migration

Jun 22, 2016 / Konrad Popławski

The role of Central Europe in the German economy. The political consequences

The latest results from the Visegrád Group states show them to be Germany’s most important trading partner, and their balance of trade in goods is in a state of equilibrium.

V4, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia

Feb 22, 2016 / Aldis Austers, Karlis Bukovskis, Juraj Draxler, Brian Fabo, Vytautas Kuokštis, Michal Mudroň, Vitalis Nakrošis, Ryszard Petru, Zoltán Pogátsa, Michal Rot, Viljar Veebel, Ramūnas Vilpišauskas

The Politics of Economic Sustainability: Baltic and Visegrad Responses to the European Economic Crisis

The collection of articles entitled “The Politics of Economic Sustainability: Baltic and Visegrad Responses to the European Economic Crisis” is an attempt by an international collection of authors to explain the political economy of the long and winding r

Economic Security, EU, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Europe

Feb 10, 2016 / Alena Kudzko

Russia Watch: January 2016

CEPI’s monthly digest of news and analysis regarding Russia: January 2016

Russia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, V4

Feb 10, 2016 / Jaroslav Naď, Milan Šuplata, Marian Majer.

DAV4 five years later: Success or a missed opportunity?

Reflecting on “DAV4 Full Report: Towards a Deeper Visegrad Defence Partnership” and its recommendations

NATO, EU, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, V4, Europe

Feb 10, 2016 / Milan Šuplata, Péter Krekó, Jakub Janda, Lóránt Győri.

Information war monitor for Central Europe: December 2015

Information war monitor for Central Europe: December 2015

NATO, Russia, EU, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Syria, V4, Europe, Migration

Jan 21, 2016 / Andrej Chovan

Slovak foreign policy thinking in the run-up to the EU Council Presidency

The “Trends of Visegrad Foreign Policy” project provides a chance to examine the perceptions of Slovak policy makers and researchers and compare them with those of their Czech, Polish and Hungarian counterparts.

V4, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, EU, Russia, Energy Security

Jan 04, 2016 / Agata Biernat, Research Fellow at the Casimir Pulaski Foundation

The Balkans and the migration crisis

The EU should find a way to include the Balkan countries in the decision-making process on a joint solution to the migration crisis. These countries have declared their wish to co-create European solidarity, and take their share of responsibility for this

Hungary, Human Rights, V4, Europe, Migration

Dec 03, 2015 / Marcin Kaczmarski, Jakub Jakóbowski, Joanna Hyndle-Hussein

The China/Central and Eastern Europe summit: a new vision of cooperation, old instruments

China has presented a far-reaching vision of cooperation with the region in infrastructure, industry and agriculture, taking a step toward shaping the economic structure of the region and giving it a vision of development.

Asia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia

Dec 02, 2015 / Edit Inotai

Merkel and Orbán: Splitting the EU?

The political difference between PM Orbán and Chancellor Merkel is evident and it has been aggravated by Orbán’s surprise move to side openly with Horst Seehofer and the CSU in a German domestic debate concerning refugees

Migration, Europe, Democracy, Hungary, EU, Global Security, Economic Security

Nov 15, 2015 / Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR)

PCTR Newsletter (10/2015)

The PCTR offers a possibility to download the latest issue of the PCTR Newsletter. A summary of important news in the field of transatlantic relations is included.

Cyber Security, Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, Middle East, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Syria, Ukraine, Iran, Israel, Europe, Afghanistan

Nov 05, 2015 / András György Deák, Tomaš Kulda

V4 and Russian Energy After Wales

Regional gas and energy policies has been moving toward a more transparent, competitive and unified market since the late 2000s.

Europe, Asia, V4, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, EU, Russia, NATO, Oil and Gas, Energy Security

Oct 28, 2015 / Wojciech Lorenz, Mário Nicolini

NATO Enlargement: Will Warsaw Deliver?

In a completely new security context after Russian agression against Ukraine NATO is reviewing all fundamental principles, which has driven its decisions over the last two decades. Enlargement, the Alliance’s primary policy to realise the vision of a Euro

Europe, V4, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, NATO, Global Security

Oct 28, 2015 / Milan Šuplata, Jiří Schneider, Marian Majer

Crisis in Ukraine and the V4’s Defence and Military Adaption

By annexing Crimea and fuelling violence in the Ukraine’s easternmost regions, Russia seriously broke basic principles of international law and shook assumptions about cooperative character of post-Cold War security architecture in Europe. Yet, the seemin

Migration, Europe, V4, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, EU, NATO, Global Security

Sep 29, 2015 / Frank Markovic

A missed opportunity for V4 to rise above themselves

The Visegrad Four belonged to the small group of states that opposed the quotas from the very beginning. Their stance came at a price. The vote on Tuesday is particularly damaging for the V4 not least because it has undermined the unity of the block.

Migration, Europe, V4, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, EU

Sep 24, 2015 / Martin Michelot

Central Europe's transformed image in Brussels: Assessing consequences

As time passes and migratory pressures continue to increase, with another estimated 6000 asylum-seekers having made their way into Hungary yesterday, any meeting of European decision-makers in Brussels is observed with increased scrutiny and expectations

Migration, Europe, V4, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, EU

Sep 24, 2015 / Frank Markovic

EU Autumn of Discontent: what awaits the V4?

How can the V4 countries coordinate their positions towards the refugee crisis and the EU referendum in the UK?

Migration, Europe, V4, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, EU

Jul 21, 2015 / Martin Jirušek, Tomáš Vlček, Hedvika Koďousková, Filip Černoch, Lukáš Lehotský, Veronika Zapletalová, Anna Leshchenko

Energy Security in Central and Eastern Europe and the Operations of Russian State-Owned Enterprises

Executive summary of a broader study focusing on assessment of the behaviour of Russian state-owned companies in natural gas and nuclear sectors in Central and Eastern Europe and Asia

Energy Security, Oil and Gas, Russia, EU, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, V4, Europe

Jul 13, 2015 / Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR)

PCTR Newsletter (6/2015)

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations offers a possibility to download the latest issue of the PCTR Newsletter.

Economic Security, Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Europe

Jun 16, 2015 / Dániel Bartha, Milan Nič, Maria Staszkiewicz, Milan Zubíček, Marian Majer,

Four priorities for the Visegrad Four’s Digital Agenda

In a global marketplace, the Visegrad Group countries are very small markets. But taken together, they present an interesting, underdeveloped market of over 65 million customers whose digital economic potential is only starting to be exploited.

EU, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, V4, Europe

Jun 03, 2015 / Vít Dostál and Ondřej Mocek

V4 in EP: Punching above its weight?

The European Parliament has never played such an important role in the EU’s decision-making; the four Visegrád countries (V4) could benefit from the aggregated strength of their MEPs.

EU, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, V4, Europe

Mar 17, 2015 / Dániel Bartha, Milan Nič

Mapping digital agenda in the V4

Fragmented digital agenda in the V4 countries: how to go regional?

Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, V4

Mar 11, 2015 / Milan Šuplata, Jaroslav Naď

Military training and education: An opportunity for V4 co-operation

Security and Defence Policy Brief

NATO, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, V4

Feb 20, 2015 / Andrzej Sadecki

Putin in Budapest – overcoming isolation

With Putin's visit to Budapest, Russia has shown that it is able, regardless of sanctions, to build close co-operation with those EU member states which are interested in it.

Russia, EU, Hungary

Feb 18, 2015 / John K. Glenn, Bruce P. Jackson, Lukas Kovanda, A. Wess Mitchell, Cameron Munter, Tomas Pojar, Leah Scheunemann, Jiri Schneider, Alexandr Vondra

Czech – American relations: A roadmap for the future

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) published with the kind support of a non-profit organization Zaostřeno, o.p.s. and RWE Česká republika a bilingual publication Czech – American relations: A roadmap for the future

Global Security, Nuclear, Oil and Gas, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, United Nations, Middle East, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Democracy, Education, Human Rights, V4, Europe, Afghanistan, Economic Security, Energy Security

Feb 02, 2015 / András Rácz, András Deák, István Gyarmati, Roland Kováts

Ukraine: Current Situation and Future Prospects

Summary of the panel discussion on Ukraine

Energy Security, Global Security, Russia, EU, Hungary, Ukraine, V4, Europe

Feb 02, 2015 / Edit Inotai, András Rácz

From (A)ngela to (V)ladimir: High-level visits in Budapest

Analysis on the upcoming visits of Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin to Hungary

Energy Security, Oil and Gas, Russia, EU, Hungary, Europe

Sep 30, 2014 / A. Wess Mitchell and Leah Scheunemann

Small States and Geopolitical Change: The Case of the Czech Republic

The sixth policy paper of the Connection Prague – Washington: How to strengthen transatlantic tie between the Czech Republic and the United States of America… project.

Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Middle East, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ukraine, Europe

Jun 21, 2014 / Padrtová Barbora (edt.)

Security Sector Reform Action Plans for the South Caucasus countries

Publication includes tailor-made recommendations in the field of Security Sector Reform (SSF) for individual South Caucasus countries based on best and worst practices of V4 countries.

Global Security, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, V4

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