Course: Latvian External Policy and the New European Union Global Strategy
Partner: Latvian Institute of International Affairs
The 1st panel "Latvian Foreign and Security Policy: Achievements, Tests and Recommendations" (supported by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung) featured Atis Lejiņš (Latvian Parliament), Jānis Kažociņš (adviser to the President, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defence), Māris Andžāns (LIIA) and Kārlis Bukovskis (LIIA).
Oct 08, 2016
EU, Europe, Global Security, Hybrid Warfare, NATO, Nuclear, Russia, USA
Oct 08, 2016
Economic Security, Energy Security, Global Security, Hybrid Warfare, NATO, USA
May 11, 2016
V4, USA, NATO, Migration, Middle East, Human Rights, EU, Democracy, Czech Republic
May 11, 2016
Czech Republic, EU, Europe, Global Security, Israel, Middle East, Migration, NATO, USA
Feb 07, 2016