Course: NATO Summer School 2015: Ukraine and Beyond
Partner: Prague Security Studies Institute
Keywords: NATO, Russia, Ukraine
Petr Kolar, former ambassador in Russia and Ukraine, gave a lecture at PSSI's NATO Summer School 2015 entitled "NATO - Russia - Ukraine."
Kolar Petr
Petr Kolář is a Czech diplomat who served as an ambassador to Ireland, Sweden, Russia and the US. He graduated from the Charles University in Prague.
Oct 08, 2016
EU, Europe, Global Security, Hybrid Warfare, NATO, Nuclear, Russia, USA
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Economic Security, Energy Security, Global Security, Hybrid Warfare, NATO, USA
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V4, USA, NATO, Migration, Middle East, Human Rights, EU, Democracy, Czech Republic
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Czech Republic, EU, Europe, Global Security, Israel, Middle East, Migration, NATO, USA
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Jan 27, 2016