
The European Union: Imprint of the Latvian Presidency

Partner: Latvian Institute of International Affairs

This international high-level conference took place on February 15 at the Latvian Parliament (Saeima).

The aim of the conference was to provide an expert assessment and a discussion about the current political, economic and security challenges of the European Union, as well as the opportunities Latvia and the organization as a whole has. Concerns over economic problems of the European Union have been replaced by discussions about the refugee crisis, border security, Brexit, rise of political radicalism in the EU member states, as well as the future global role of the EU. During the three afternoon breakout sessions participants discussed in greater detail the situation in the EU Neighbourhood, economic aspects of the Single Digital Market and the potential of the EU Energy Union.

The event was organised by LIIA and supported by Representation of the European Commission in Latvia, Parliament of the Republic of Latvia and the European Parliament Information Office in Latvia.

The author and copyright owner of this audiovisual material is the administration of Saeima [Parliament of Latvia] | audiovizuālā materiāla autors un autortiesību īpašnieks

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