Educational Activity

Master in International Relations and Regional Studies

Partner: Centre for EU-Russia Studies, University of Tartu
Date: Aug 27, 2017 - Jun 30, 2019
Deadline for sending applications: Mar 15, 2017
Open To: Students with a Bachelor's degree or equivalent
Requirements: Bachelor's degree, proficiency of English, motivation letter, application documents
Venue: University of Tartu, Estonia
Costs: 1700EUR/semester, tuition-waivers available on a competitive basis

This MA programme combines comprehensive study of international relations as an academic discipline and political practice with in-depth understanding of particular geographic regions, including the European UnionRussia and Eurasia, and the Baltic Sea region. The programme is a good fit for all those aiming for a career with an international focus, be it in diplomacy, public service, private sector or with non-governmental organizations.

The programme provides extensive knowledge about contemporary international relations, traditional and critical approaches to security, foreign policy analysis, conflict management and resolution mechanisms, international law, and politics, society, and international relations in the EU, Russia and Eurasia and the Baltic Sea region. These regions grow out of our faculty’s research interests and reflect Estonia’s historical experience at the border of Europe and Russia - experience which is highly relevant to other countries located in-between bigger powers.

Why study International Relations and Regional Studies atTartu?

Our research and teaching in the field of IR is internationally visible and recognized placing us among the top IR schools in Eastern and Central Europe.

Our record of extensive international collaboration with universities in the U.S. (George Mason University, George Washington University), various universities in Europe, partner institutions in Russia (Higher School of Economics, MGIMO and others), and major international academic networks (e.g. PONARS-Eurasia, EISA, CEEISA) translates into excellent prospects for various partnerships in the realm of teaching.

We believe that in the current international context, learning about IR in one of the smallest EU member states which is situated at the centre of the Baltic Sea Region and on Russia’s doorstep has the potential to offer unique insights into international politics.

Since 1989, Estonia has been in the centre of democratic, economic and geopolitical change in Eastern Europe. The University of Tartu (UT) has played an active role in charting these developments.

In academic scoreboards, UT ranks among the TOP 3% of universities in the world (THE World University Rankings 2013–2014) and international students have rated Estonia as the #1 place to stay (Erasmus Student Network Survey).

The UT offers advanced study facilities, excellent libraries, well-equipped computer labs and modern residence halls. Interactive and innovative teaching and learning methods are widely used. There is a wide variety of opportunities to study abroad, including Erasmus agreements with a broad range of European partner universities.

Studying in Tartu is both attractive and affordable – it means high-quality education at a low cost in a country that is simultaneously both ancient and very modern, close to nature and technologically advanced, proud of its unique culture and traditions and open to the world.

... More information

Keywords: Cyber Security, Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, United Nations, Middle East, V4, Asia, Europe


Aug 13, 2020

Antall József Autumn Seminar 2020

Motivated young professionals who are interested in Central European Studies, the Visegrad Cooperation, and the region in general.

USA, EU, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Education, V4, Europe

Aug 06, 2020

think.BPSDT - Young Leaders' Forum 2020

Motivated young professionals with leadership potential whose professional activities are related to the main topics of the conference.

Water, Media, Education, Propaganda/Disinform

Apr 06, 2019

International and Diplomatic Studies Master's Program

International and Diplomatic Studies is a full-time, two-year Master's program taught in English at the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE), Czech Republic. It covers the fields of international politics and foreign policy, international economy, intern

Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, United Nations, Asia, Europe

Mar 12, 2019

Antall József Summer School 2019

Organised by the Antall József Knowledge Centre, the Antall József Summer School is a two-week educational programme examining Central Europe and its wider neighbourhood.

Energy Security, Economic Security, Global Security, USA, NATO, EU, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Education, V4, Europe, Balkan

Apr 17, 2018

Antall József Summer School 2018

The Antall József Summer School is a two-week educational programme focusing on the most pivotal cooperation of the Central European region, the Visegrad Cooperation.

Global Security, NATO, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, V4, Balkan

Dec 11, 2017

think.BDPST Young Leaders' Forum 2018

Forum of Region Shapers in the Field of Transport, Smart Cities and Urban Design

EU, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Education, V4, Europe

Feb 17, 2017

Understanding China Contest

The Antall József Knowledge Centre and the Central and Eastern European Center for Asian Studies are organising an international knowledge contest for university students of CEE countries entitled The Understanding China Contest.

EU, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Education, V4, Europe

Feb 14, 2017

Master in International Relations and Regional Studies

IRRS is a two-year (four-semester) full-time master’s program taught in English at the University of Tartu, Estonia.

Cyber Security, Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, United Nations, Middle East, V4, Asia, Europe

Feb 14, 2017

Master in EU-Russia relations

EU-Russia Studies is a two-year (four-semester) full-time master’s program taught in English at the University of Tartu, Estonia.

NATO, Russia, EU, Ukraine, Democracy, Media, Education, Human Rights, Europe

Feb 14, 2017

Master in Democracy and Governance

Democracy and Governance is a two-year (four-semester) full-time master’s program taught in English at the University of Tartu, Estonia.

Russia, EU, Middle East, Democracy, Media, Education, Human Rights, Africa, Asia, Europe

Feb 02, 2017

Antall József Summer School 2017

Organised by the Antall József Knowledge Centre annually, the Antall József Summer School is a two-week alternative educational programme putting under scrutiny the most pivotal cooperation of the Central European region, the Visegrad Cooperation.

Energy Security, Cyber Security, Economic Security, Global Security, Nuclear, Water, Oil and Gas, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Middle East, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Syria, Ukraine, Democracy, Education, V4, Israel, Europe, Migration, Balkan, Propaganda/Disinform, Hybrid Warfare

Dec 12, 2016

think.BDPST Young Leaders' Forum

The Young Leaders’ Forum (YLF) of think.BDPST, Hungary’s strategic conference on regional development and the perspectives of research, innovation, and future technologies.

EU, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, OECD, Education, V4, Europe, Balkan

Apr 08, 2016

Call for for Applications: NATO Summer School 2016

We are pleased to announce that the 12th NATO Summer School organized by PSSI in cooperation with NATO Public Diplomacy Division will be held on July 10-15, 2016 in Měřín, Czech Republic.

Energy Security, Cyber Security, NATO, Russia, Ukraine, Education, V4

Mar 30, 2016

Antall József Summer School 2016

Organised by the Antall József Knowledge Centre annually, the Antall József Summer School is a two-week educational programme putting under scrutiny the most pivotal cooperation of the Central European region, the Visegrad Cooperation. Many aspects of thi

Energy Security, Cyber Security, Economic Security, Global Security, Nuclear, Water, Oil and Gas, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, United Nations, Middle East, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Syria, Ukraine, OECD, Democracy, Education, V4, Israel, Asia, Europe, Migration

Jan 18, 2016


This one-week intensive course organized by the Prague Security Studies Institute and Masaryk University in Brno will introduce you to the driving forces and emerging trends transforming the energy sector, including the complex interrelations between diff

Energy Security, Global Security, Czech Republic, Education

Jan 06, 2016

think.BDPST Young Leaders Forum

think.BDPST is a strategic conference focusing on regional development and the perspectives of research, innovation and future technologies.

Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, OECD, Democracy, Israel, Europe

Aug 24, 2015

Battleground Europe

The official professional side event of the NATO Partnership Running Festival (NATO Run), a two-panel workshop entitled ‘Battleground Europe’.

Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Europe

Jul 23, 2015

Robinson Martin Security Scholars Program 2015/2016

RMSSP offers highly qualified and motivated students from leading Czech universities the opportunity to participate in a two-semester program on the premises of PSSI

Global Security, Education

Jun 15, 2015

NATO Training for young professionals

The main purpose of the program is to empower the Hungarian youth so that they can efficiently advocate the advantages of NATO membership and defend the atlanticist standpoint. To that end, the training combines thorough theoretical knowledge with practic

Global Security, NATO, EU, Hungary, Europe

Apr 07, 2015

NATO Summer School 2015

PSSI's 11th annual NATO Summer School will be held on 12-17 July in Merin, Czech Republic. This year's Summer School will focus on 'NATO's Challenges: Ukraine and Beyond'. Students currently enrolled in Master’s degree programs from NATO’s member and part

NATO, Russia, Ukraine

Apr 01, 2015

Summer School: The Energy Policy of the EU and its Position in Global Energy Environment

The summer school aims at thorough examination of both recent and long-term developments, plans and policies of the EU influenced by the development of the global energy environment.

Energy Security, Nuclear, Oil and Gas, EU, Czech Republic, Europe

Mar 25, 2015

Aliante 2015

Aliante is an international competition for high-school students aimed at motivating them to get involved in international affairs, security policy and understanding of NATO.

Global Security, USA, NATO, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Education, Europe

Mar 18, 2015

Summer School for Young Professionals 2015: Challenges of Global Security Environment

The main objective of this broader international project is to assist in professional development of young professionals, future experts and partially representatives of political parties in the field of international relations, security and foreign polic

Energy Security, Cyber Security, Global Security, NATO, Russia, EU, Middle East, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Democracy, Education, V4, Europe, Afghanistan

Feb 17, 2015

Master in International and Diplomatic Studies

International and Diplomatic Studies is a two-year (four-semester) full-time master’s program taught in English at the University of Economics, Prague.

Economic Security, Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, United Nations, Middle East, Czech Republic, Human Rights, V4, Iran, Asia, Europe

Feb 03, 2015

Intensive Educational Course on Energy Security

The course on energy Security, organised by the Prague Security Studies Institute and Masaryk University in Brno, will give you a unique opportunity to learn more about energy and energy security. The one-week course will take place in Prague from Februar

Energy Security

Jan 15, 2015

The Eu in the World-Essay Competition

The Antall József Knowledge Centre invites you to participate in an essay competition, entitled 'The EU in the World

EU, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, V4, Europe

Dec 02, 2014

Enroll in Master in International Security Studies with PSSI

PSSI created a new program Enroll in MISS with PSSI, which provides an exceptional opportunity to combine a study of Master in International Security Studies (MISS) at prestigious Charles University with many interesting projects and lectures organized by

Global Security, Education

May 21, 2014

Robinson Martin Security Scholars Program

RMSSP is a two-semester program on the premises of PSSI comprised of a series of lectures and seminars led by distinguished senior current and former security policy professionals from CR and abroad. It covers a broad spectrum of security-related subjects

Global Security, Czech Republic, Education

May 21, 2014

Interagency Civilian-Military Training

Interagency Civilian-Military Training, organized by the PSSI, Czech MFA and Vyskov Military Academy, is a two-week course for Czech and foreign civilian experts and those Czech nationals interested in participating in reconstruction and observation missi

NATO, EU, OECD, Education

May 08, 2014

10th NATO Summer School - NATOs Security Challenges

In 2014, PSSI together with NATO Public Diplomacy Division will organise 10th annual NATO Summer School entitled NATO Security Challenges.

Global Security, NATO, Czech Republic, Education

Events Calendar



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