Partner: Antall József Knowledge Centre
Event date: Aug 28, 2014 - Dec 20, 2014
Deadline for registering: Dec 20, 2014
Venue: 1093 Budapest, Közraktár uca 4-6., Hungary
Category: Other
Our Past and Present in the Shadow of the Cold War
- poster competition -
25 years after its conclusion, the Cold War’s influence is still felt in many aspects of our lives. This includes contemporary popular culture, where the era’s iconic imagery and unique look are still vividly present.
The Antall József Knowledge Centre invites all professional, aspiring and hobbyist graphic designers to create a poster that serves as your answer to the question “What does the Cold War mean to you in 2014?” It is up to you to decide whether you want to focus on its historical complexity, modern relevance, humour, drama, or capture its retro chic – if your work somehow connects the present day with the days of the Space Race, the Atari 2600, and the Berlin Wall, we would love to see it!
Eligibility: The contest is open to everyone.
Prize (first place): 160 Euros and a gift package of books published by the Antall József Knowledge Centre. Second and third places will also receive a monetary prize: 100 and 65 Euros respectively.
Please submit all posters to submissions@ajtk.hu with the subject “Poster Competition 2014” by 1 November 2014.
Format: PDF, A2 (portrait - 420 x 493mm), 300dpi, CMYK, 5mm bleed (optional)
Rights Granted: Artists will have rights to their posters. The Antall József Knowledge Centre (AJKC) shall have the right to reproduce and display a limited number of copies (fewer than 5) of any entry in print (A2 format), as well as to distribute the posters in unlimited quantities in a collection of essays related to the 2014 instalment of AJKC’s Foreign and Security Policy Conference series.
For further information, please visit http://ajtk.hu/en/current-opportunities, or contact us directly at ajtk@ajtk.hu
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Keywords: Cyber Security, Global Security, USA, Russia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Democracy, V4, Europe
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